Saturday, June 11, 2005


Well, I'm back from the family vacation in Hilton Head and it was awesome. It was very relaxing and I feel refreshed and energized to come back and continue the "ministries" our Lord lays before me with renewed vigor.

I'm a little anxious about returning to work on Monday to see if my teammate completed the project I abanded at about 75% completion to go on vacation. But I'm even more anxious to check my work email which is the address most people have, including my vocation director. I'll probably stop by the office tomorrow to wade through them all and see if Fr. Bowling has emailed me with any updates on the application process.

I still need to get a physical and send him a digital pic, Wal-Mart style. I'd like to find a good, orthodox Catholic doctor for my physical because I like supporting Catholic professionals, but time is of the essence and physicals are hard to get during the Summer months.

I also need to have my "big meeting" (as he puts it) with Fr. Bowling and also have a meeting with him and my parents. Then on to the seminary application process (!) *sigh* More on all this as I hear about it.

Mary, Teacher of Patience, pray for us!

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