Thursday, June 28, 2007

Mass Intentions

In today's Vatican Information Service there is a statement on the upcoming Motu Proprio for the Latin Mass, set to release "within a few days":

VATICAN CITY, JUN 28, 2007 (VIS) - Given below is the text of a communique released today by the Holy See Press Office concerning Benedict XVI's forthcoming "Motu Proprio" on the use of the Missal promulgated by Blessed John XXIII in 1962.

"Yesterday afternoon in the Vatican, a meeting was held under the presidency of the Cardinal Secretary of State in which the content and spirit of the Holy Father's forthcoming 'Motu Proprio' on the use of the Missal promulgated by John XXIII in 1962 was explained to representatives from various episcopal conferences. The Holy Father also arrived to greet those present, spending nearly an hour in deep conversation with them.

"The publication of the document - which will be accompanied by an extensive personal letter from the Holy Father to individual bishops - is expected within a few days, once the document itself has been sent to all the bishops with an indication of when it will come into effect."
And this story (also here) from says it could be released on July 7, two days before Our Holy Father's July 9th vacation from which he will not return untill late September.

On a personal note, I received a poster-sized framed print of the above image from my venerable seminarian brother Michael Wimsatt (pray for him). He found it in the basement of the old convent at the parish we are both staying at this summer. It sits on my desk, leaning against the wall, in my attic room that I like to affectionately call "The Hermitage", "The Cardinal's Suite", "The Bat Cave", or "The Eagle's Nest" depending on what mood I'm in. Apparantly its a holy card that circulated throughout the church for years and years in the "glory days" before the council. Upon excitedly showing it to my pastor, as a mother would present a newborn child, he charitably replied "it definitely brings back memories"...

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