Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Winter Break Retreat

Last week St. Mary's had a Winter Break so I decided to spend the week at the Dominican House of Studies in D.C. rather than pay the money to fly home. It was an awesome week as I prayed with their community, caught up on some sleep, and read a ton of Sokolowski.

Here's their Horarium:

Weekday Prayer Schedule:
7:00am Matins & Lauds (Office of Readings & Morning Prayer)
7:30am Breakfast
12:00pm Rosary
12:15pm Middday Prayer & Angelus
12:30pm Lunch
1-2pm Nap (that's my addition :)
5:00pm Mass & Vespers (Evening Prayer)
6:00pm Supper
9:00pm Compline (Night Prayer)
[7:30pm Holy Hour on Friday]

Saturday Prayer Schedule:
8:00am Mass & Lauds
8:45am Breakfast
12:00pm Rosary
12:15pm Matins & Angelus
12:30pm Lunch
5:40pm Vespers
6:00pm Supper

Sunday Prayer Schedule
8:30am Mass & Lauds
11:15am Mass
12:30pm Lunch
5:20pm Rosary
5:40pm Vespers
Private Community Dinner & Recreation
9:00pm Compline

Here's a picture of their chapel:

Also, my good friend Amy is studying at the JPII Institute of Marriage and Family Studies in D.C. We met back in Louisville after I graduated from college and got a job there. She was studying at Spaulding University at the time. She was really the first friend I ever had that really brought me closer to Christ. Don't worry, no "issue" here ;) She's engaged to an awesome guy from her home state of Louisiana.

Anyway, I sat in on a couple of classes with her: One on "The Redemption of Sexuality" with the famous, William May; the other on "Theology of the Body" by a priest (I forget his name) whose mother is up for Beatification! The JPII is so awesome and completely orthodox. There, you can basicly get a Master's, Licentiate, STD, or Ph.D. in Theology with an emphasis in Theology of the Body. They are such a strong force for the conversion of our culture!

Spending time with Amy and at the House made for a very well-rounded week and I came back feeling renewed for Lent and the six weeks till Easter.

Praised be the God and Father of our Lord, Jesus Christ!

St. Dominic, pray for us!

1 comment:

Darby Dugger said...

Hey Matt,

How are you? I pray that you are well. In this post you mentioned “Theology of the Body” and I was just wondering if you knew much about the “Theology of the Body” conference that is going to be in Florida (I think) this summer? The reason I ask is because a man who knows me and my ministry offered to send myself along with some of my staff to the conference. He has never been, but he said that it came highly recommended and that he thought it might be useful as a resource tool for both our purity and newly-wed ministries. I know he is awaiting my response and so learning more about “Theology of the Body” is at the top of my “to do” list so that I can decide if this is something we should do. I have looked at the link that you added to this post as well as familyhonor.org (I think that is what it was). Are there any other web sites that you know of that tell more about “Theology of the Body” and the conference that is coming up? Would you recommend it? Would non-Catholics be welcomed? As of right now I am not thinking I am going to take him up on his offer, but I also don't feel like I have done adequate research to make an informed decision. I hope your studies are going well, please feel free to e-mail me in response to this post.

In Him,